Choosing the right water filter dispenser is not an easy task. There are many options available in the market and it becomes difficult to make a choice. But if you know what features you need, then this process becomes much easier for you.
Water dispenser Singapore
In some cases, the water pipe rusts with time making tap water unsafe for direct consumption. Have a water dispenser to protect your workers and family members. Installation and maintenance of Water dispensers in Singapore are easy and painless. PuritySingapore listed the Guidance before you buy the best smart water dispenser in Singapore. To give you more insight into purchasing decisions
Benefits of a water dispenser
The water dispenser uses various purifying methods that provide you with fresh-smelling water that remains completely chemical-free. Its ease of use, sustainability and health benefits make this an essential household appliance.
• What’s great about this water purifiers is saves Time- Instead of needing to go into the kitchen every time you need a glass of water, just grab it straight from your office counter.
• Low Maintenance – You don’t have to do anything with the dispenser other than adding some purified water and place it on a table or desk. It even comes with a filter so that you won’t be relying on bottled water anymore!
• Play With Water Pressure Assistance – The flow rate is controlled by leverages which means you can easily increase or decrease the pressure depending on your needs.
• Quiet Operation- There’s no loud sloshing sound when dispensing this drink because it has an innovative cooling system perfect for any home office.
• Create a convenient, sanitary way to dispense water
• Stop wasting money on bottled water
• Reduce the effects of dry mouth or throat irritation caused by hot beverages and air conditioning
• Get an energy-efficient design that uses up to 40% less electricity than other models
Types of water dispensing
Bottled and Plumbed-in water dispensers are two main types of dispensers in Singapore. Bottled bottles can easily be found in offices or shops. A point of Use (POUs) is plugged directly into the water line to ensure no need for replacing water bottles. It offers constant water. It uses 5 to 10 gallons of water placed in or at the bottom of the container. The POU is logged into the water system as it enables water to be replaced.
Water dispensers are of different types and have different applications. You should choose a water dispenser as per your requirement and according to where you want to install it. There are many options for you in terms of energy consumption, water capacity, cost, etc. And it is up to you what features you want in your water dispenser.
Dispensing hot or cold water are standard features in a typical water dispenser. However, some models are purely cold water dispenser or purely hot water dispenser so you will need to be aware of the features of the unit that you are purchasing.
How do you choose a water dispenser?
There are a lot of things one should consider when choosing a home water dispenser. You have to think where is the dispenser located so that as many people it has sufficient water. There are consideration also depending on whether you need filtered or just normal tap water.
Construction companies prefer small-sized single tap machines while homeowners go for larger size ones with more taps so that multiple users can use them at once. So, when choosing a water filter dispenser ensure that your needs are met properly by the chosen machine.
So, in this article, I will be talking about some of the features that you should keep in mind when choosing a water filter dispenser. You can use any one or all of these features to make your choice.
1. Energy Consumption for Hot and Cold water dispenser.
This is among the topmost factors you should consider when choosing a water dispenser for your needs and home or company requirements. Compact and wall-mounted machines consume less energy than freestanding ones with bigger capacities and more taps.
You can choose one that best suits your need according to the electricity consumption and power supply available at your location.
For instance, if you have fewer outlets in your home then it makes sense to go for smaller units although compact models are slightly costlier than regular-sized ones with multiple taps.
Check the consumption details on the product description or packaging before purchase and make your choice accordingly.
2. Water Filtration System Used.
Water dispensers use either charcoal filters, reverse osmosis (RO) filters, UV systems, or ceramic/porous filters to purify water for you.
Check out their advantages and disadvantages carefully to know more about them in detail.
For instance, RO filters are best suited for water purification especially when your tap water contains heavy metals or other harmful contaminants.
They remove everything from the source water and make it safe to drink.
Charcoal filters on the other hand do not filter out every particle present in the source water but are more preferred than reverse osmosis systems as they are cheaper, easier to maintain, and remove bad tastes and odors from water.
Ceramic filters on the other hand filter out all the contaminants present in the source water but do not remove heavy metals like lead.
This is why ceramic filters are mostly used with pre-filters as a secondary measure. UV systems are better for removing chlorine or bad tastes and odours from your water. So, always check out the filtering systems before buying a water filter dispenser in Singapore.
You can choose a system according to your needs and requirements because not every filtration system is suitable for everyone’s requirements and taste buds.
3. Water Capacity.
As with buying a refrigerator or washing machine, when you buy a water dispenser also be sure to check its capacity.
Water dispensers come in various capacities ranging anywhere from 5 liters to 50+ liters.
The higher the capacity of your water dispenser, the more people can use it at once and the longer the duration before refilling it again as compared to one with lower capacity.
If you are buying a water dispenser for your home then consider getting one with a minimum 10-liter capacity but if you want something that is used by multiple users on an everyday basis then try and go for 15-20 liter ones which would be enough for daily use purposes.
4. Installation Type/Area of Usage.
There are water dispensers that you can only use at home while there are some which can be used both in your home and office. When choosing a water dispenser for your needs ensure that the type of installation process suits your requirements well, especially if you have to install it by yourself.
If you do not want to or cannot install it then select a model with a simpler installation process and get it installed from an expert instead of getting one with an elaborate process (which will take time) because all kinds of filtration systems need yearly maintenance irrespective of usage levels.
You should also try and consider where you intend to place your machine when making the final decision on what product to choose as different models require different placement area sizes.
5. Tap Features/Design and Material Used.
Water dispensers come in different designs and have different kinds of taps as well. You should check out the top features of a machine before buying to ensure that your needs are met properly by it.
Some taps dispense water with great pressure while others do not, some have two separate taps for filtered/unfiltered water, another one has a designated button that can be pressed to switch between unfiltered and filtered water easily, etc.
I would recommend you go for those models where there is no need of switching between filtered and unfiltered water manually because using such units will consume more energy than regular ones although they may help you maintain healthy habits ( drinking more water means you can prevent the risk of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.)
Apart from all these features, you should also see the material used for portable water dispensers because some have materials that cause skin allergies or discomfort.
To avoid such problems make sure that your choice is made keeping in mind your needs and requirements as well so you do not end up with a product which is not suitable according to your needs.
A water dispenser is a convenient way to make sure your family and employees have access to clean, filtered drinking water. Some of the features you should look for in any model are capacity, installation type/area of usage, tap features/design, and material used.
If you want help with choosing the right product or need assistance installing it properly then let our team know! Our experts will be happy to assist.